Daniel Kenny
Daniel Kenny
Harvard Institute of Politics Fellow
Washington, DC

Daniel Kenny is the Harvard Institute of Politics Director's Intern for NDI's Political Parties team. He is currently an undergraduate studying government at Harvard College.

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Whence Popularity? The New Wave of European Populist Parties

Protesters gather in Madrid’s Puerta del Sol square as part of the 15-M anti-austerity movement. Source: Wikimedia Commons

A populist wave has crashed down upon the streets of Europe. Populist parties, old and new, left and right, have been dominating headlines in Europe over the past few years. Such parties are often led by charismatic leaders, and they claim to represent the will of the people against the elite or status quo. “The people” they appeal to are often those who feel alienated by European integration -- those who feel threatened by economic reform or lenient immigration policies.

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