
16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence

NDI Mexico and the National Institute for Women (Inmujeres) launch the #NotTheCost (#NoEsElCosto) campaign, among representatives of government agencies, civil society and political parties.

We hope that you’ve noticed the orange-ing of NDI’s website logo as part of our institutional contribution to the worldwide 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence. Violence against women (VAW) is rooted in gender inequality and must be stopped. It is also one of the many barriers to women’s meaningful and active political participation that NDI’s programs work to overcome.

Please support the global anti-VAW campaign, and NDI’s specific focus on violence against politically active women, by doing one or all of the following:

  1. Join us in wearing orange on December 7, and posting photos on social media. Post using the hashtag #NotTheCost to explain why you support the campaign to end violence against women in politics. And don’t forget to mention @NDIWomen!
  2. Help women in politics report incidents of violence so we can highlight its global prevalence through the first global thematic report on the issue which will be presented to the UN General Assembly in October 2018.
  3. Read and share this blog post on DemWorks by former Finnish Minister for Migration and European Affairs Astrid Thors